Summary of the 2nd International Symposium on Broomcorn Millet & World Millet Summit 2015
Summary of the 2nd International Symposium on Broomcorn Millet & World Millet Summit 2015
Summary of the 2nd International
Symposium on Broomcorn Millet & World Millet Summit 2015
The 2nd International Symposium on
Broomcorn Millet(ISBM) & World Millet Summit 2015(WMS 2015) was
successfully held from Feb. 25 to 28, 2015 in Kangwon National University,
Chuncheon, Korea. Total number of participants was 155 from 6 countries; 20
from China, 1 from USA, 3 from Japan, 2 from Laos, and 128 from Korea.
Thirty three papers on broomcorn millet and 16
papers on other coarse grains such as buckwheat and sorghum were presented in
oral or posters during the conferences.
The mostly dominant subjects
which were presented and discussed were crop physiology and cultivation
technology. On the other hand, a few topics on genetics and breeding and food
culture of broomcorn millet were also presented with attracting people's
interests. Industrial application of broomcorn millet was spot-lighted based on
each country's current status and future potential of the species.
In order to increase the number of participants for
the conferences, we had a WMS 2015 as a satellite conference of the 2nd
ISBM. It was the first trial in history of international conference for coarse
grains such as broomcorn millet and buckwheat. However, it was very successful for us to make be broaden
knowledge and information on coarse grains besides a single main species.
WMS is newly characterized by an international
non-government organization dealing with knowledge business and conference on
the coarse grains including foxtail millet, broomcorn millet, buckwheat,
sorghum, job's tears, quinoa, Grain amaranthus, and other small grains. Through
an web-site to be realized soon, much information on science, technology, and
industry of the coarse grains across the world would be introduced, summarized,
and shared among the peoples who have interests in those species.
Therefore, we will set up a general executive
office in Chuncheon, Korea and cooperated with other international associations
of the coarse grains such as buckwheat and broomcorn millet.
We will invite many scholars, scientist, and
industrial experts from the world as a member of the executive committee of the
WMS. We will also employ a system of joint representatives of which a standing
representative is a leader in charge of major duties and missions for the WMS.
Cheol Ho Park Ph.D
Chairman, The organizing committee of the 2nd ISBM and WMS 2015
President, International
Broomcorn Millet Association
A standing representative, World
Millet Summit
Professor, Department of Bio-Health Technology, Kangwon National University, Korea
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